Improve engagement with user-centric viewing experiences and exclusive functionality, curated by our expert team to complement premium content.
Distinctive Interactive Video Units:
Our branded top banner integration and full-screen end cards reinforce messaging and encourage clear calls-to-action (CTAs) for an immersive viewing experience.
User-Centric Interaction Approach:
100% user-initiated interactions allow scrolling to initiate, clicking to play, and hovering for sound within contextually relevant, native editorial environments.
Innovative Interactive Units:
Tailored units present multiple content pieces simultaneously, boosting brand engagement with side-scroll terms, disclaimers, and Important Safety Information (ISI).
Guaranteed Brand Safety:
Enhanced quality, cognitive control, and verification layers ensure your brand appears in the optimal environment with contextually appropriate content.
Cost-Efficient Billing:
Our Cost-per-View (CPV) calculation maximizes cost efficiency and offers incremental exposure after the 30-second mark.
Expert Campaign Management:
Dedicated customer success and ad operations specialists provide proactive support, optimization, and detailed reporting. Ongoing communication and troubleshooting ensure seamless campaigns.