49% increase

Unique Visitors

92% increase

Total Visits

35% decrease

Cost per Unique Visitor

71% decrease

Cost per Visit

3.3+ PVs/visit

Maintained Audience Engagement


Click-Through Rate


Scholarship Points is always looking to expand its membership among college-bound students, particularly by raising its brand recognition across online and mobile platforms. AdMedia was able to encourage brand awareness through a combination of sponsored links and mobile ads.

Campaign Objectives

  • Increase brand awareness among the high school and college-age demographic
  • Develop mobile-supported ads
  • Promote scholarships and other activities across the web

Key Highlights

  • Interactive text and video ads were released through hundreds of mobile-friendly websites
  • High school students and graduates were targeted by keywords on search engines and other publisher sites
  • Delivered new visitors and increased online discussion about Scholarship Points

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